I don’t know why so many people have such a hard time not realizing when they just need to keep their mouth shut, especially when it comes to personal information that someone told them. With my friends I have a rule that they all know, if they tell me something I do not repeat it to anyone unless they tell me to/say it’s okay or if they are at risk of hurting themselves or another person. This rule is the reason why a lot of my come and tell me personal things because I don’t go and blab my mouth to other people.

Now, for those of you who may go and blab your mouth/can’t keep a secret to save your life, before you open your mouth think about two things: 1. Do I have direct, completely clear from person A to tell person B about what person A just told me? 2. Is Person A going to harm themselves or someone else? If the answer to question 1 is no proceed to question 2. If the answer to question 2 is no, KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT! If the answer to question 1 is yes, go ahead and tell them. If the answer to question 2 is yes, you’d better be talking to someone that can intervene to prevent them from hurting themselves or someone else such as a parent, emergency service provider, teacher, or a helpline. After you get them help KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT! It is not anyone else’s business about what is going on with the other person, unless it is their parent, spouse, or adult child.

The reason that I am making this post is because of something so stupid but makes me remember why I don’t trust people. This girl told the guy that I liked that I like him (we are going to call him Zach) and now he acts weird around me. I did not give that girl permission to say anything to Zach regarding my feelings toward him. The girl found out that I like Zach told another girl. I am not entirely sure which of the two girls told Zach but it’s really obvious that he knows. This was somewhat my mistake because I knew that the girl that found out can not keep her mouth shut. She literally said to me this person told me not to say anything but *insert secret here* don’t tell anyone or them that I told you this. Her excuse later on was that I was friends with this other person, so I told her it’s not her job to tell me what this other person said even if that person and I are good friends. The other girl feels that it is her job to intervene in other peoples lives, especially when it comes to couples. She basically ruined one of my friends relationship because she wouldn’t butt out of it and instigated stuff.

This post is for sure geared more towards the teenage girls that blab to be cool. But this honestly applies for anyone of all ages. While I am at it let’s talk a little about avoiding gossip. If you are going to to talk to someone else about a person ask yourself, “Is what I am about to say about this person positive” then ask “Is what I am about to say about this person something I would say if they were standing with me?” To many people are hurt by gossip that turns into rumors that have the potential to do A LOT of harm. If someone is about to gossip to you, feel free to ask the gossiper “Is what you are going to say about this person positive?” and “Is what you are about to say to me something you would say if they were here with us?”

If you are not comfortable with people telling you personal things or know that you can’t keep what they are saying confidential, tell them you are not comfortable or don’t think you can keep it to yourself. If they decide to tell you anyway, then you gave them and out and warning and they didn’t take it.

PLEASE!!! Rise above and be better people. It takes one person to start a movement. Be that person. YOU have control over what comes out of YOUR mouth. What you say and do are choices that will have either positive or negative consequences.