
That Girl With Depresssion



I Don’t Get a Say and I’m Ignored

So I’m working on a paper and I decided one of the stories to include is about why I ended up leaving the first high school I went to, and I realized how little of a say I have in my life and how often my thoughts and feelings fall on deaf ears, even now that I am 21, because my parents don’t let me have a voice or opinion on things that affect me.

So in high school I went to a school that had really smart kids and I made friends but I ended up getting really depressed and anxious during sophomore year and I told my parents during the summer that I didn’t want to go back for junior year. I was told by my mom “you’re going and you don’t have a choice.” At that point I contested that decision and cried and stormed out. Later on my parents talk to me again and say that if I really didn’t want to go back I didn’t have to. But here’s the thing, I knew that if I left I would be guilted about it for the rest of my life. So I said that I would go back. Long story short, not long into Junior year I was going to kill myself, my friend called the police, the police were dicks, I threw a chair, got pinned to the ground by the ass of an officer, had to be carried out to the EMS (I did the toddler dead weight thing), was taken to an ER we requested not to go to, social worker was a bitch, slapped a cup of water out of a nurses hand because I was panicking and the cup was really close to my face, was restrained and ended up being sedated (didn’t go down without a fight though), refused to eat for the 3 days I was in ER, was transferred to a psych hospital. After that happened the assistant principal and my guidance counselors said I was a disruption to students and my therapist said that was not in my best interest to continue at that school. ONLY THEN did my parents allow me to leave. But it still gets brought up and my mom will say “I wish you could’ve stayed at that school.” They don’t care how that makes me feel. I had to switch to a “new” high school (I was already a student in that district and I knew people at that high school) and leave all of my other friends. I sat alone at lunch for the rest of my junior year and really didn’t want to be there and missed my friends. But through all of this I didn’t get a say in anything. Basically all of the decisions when it came to school were not made by me and when I wanted to take a different class or take a day off school because I was sick, I was told that I wasn’t allowed to.

My dad is the type of person to jump to conclusions and making his judgements before getting all of the information. In elementary school, I was passing notes with one of my friends and the teacher sees and we get in trouble. My parents are called and my dad is furious and is accusing me of calling someone a fag, because he refuses to listen to me when I tell him that I didn’t call anyone that and I was asking what the word meant. He just keeps yelling at me and eventually he spanks me with his belt. Later on he is corrected about who said what and he doesn’t even bother apologizing to me. Another time is during my senior year of high school. I was at this technical school for half of the day doing a program that literally a joke of a class. Well, that morning I was sitting in my car waiting for it to be closer to the start time. A student hits my car (while I am in it) and I immediately call my dad and he tells me what to do and I follow his instructions and he was calm about it. The police come (there was zero damage to my car but it was more to scare her and make her be more conscious while driving) they write a report and leave, then we go back to class. I am still anxious so I decided to use the coping mechanism that is most effective for me, listening to music. There’s a rule in this program that we are not allowed to listen to music with headphones but I was hoping that I would be able to listen to a song or two and be able to calm down. Nope, it didn’t help. Then the meat head of a teacher (who literally did not teach anything and sat on his ass all day) comes in and tells me and the guy sitting next to me to take out our headphones. We do then he walks away and I put mine back in and go back to doing my work, trying not to have a panic attack. Well he sees me with my headphones in and demands I give them to him and I explain that I am trying to prevent a panic attack and he just demands I give him my headphones. And then he just keeps getting closer and towering over me and I ask him nicely to take a step back because him being that close to me was making me more anxious and would give me a panic attack. HE DOESN’T LISTEN! so I keep repeating the same thing over and over and he finally gets angry and says put them on the end of the table and they better be there when I get back. I put them there and guess who ended up having a panic attack. Oh but it gets worse. He then brings some dude back with him and I tell him to get away from me and leave. Both eventually do and then they go and get who I later learned was the guidance counselor for the school. She told me that I needed to get up and leave with her. I decided since no one wanted to listen to what I was saying I was not going to talk anymore to them. So, I kept signing “why” to everything she said. it was about 10 minutes from dismissal and so I got up and started getting ready to leave and then they surrounded me and told me I wasn’t allowed to leave and that if I did my teacher was going to call the police because I was a threat to myself (I had calmed down at that point, still on edge though). I told her that I had a therapy appointment in half an hour and I would be going there. Still no. I called my mom and told her to tell them to get away from me and to let me go but she was more concerned with trying to figure out what was happening. I ended up throwing my phone in frustration since no one was listening to me and I was trapped at the school. Everyone else got to leave. I ended up back in the classroom area where I tried calling my therapist but it went straight to voicemail and I was not in a state to leave a coherent voicemail and at the time I didn’t have her cell phone number so I texted my previous therapist whose cell number I did have and asked her to call me. She was in a meeting so it took about a half hour for her to call me. When she did she asked what was going on, so I explained, and then she asked if I called my current therapist and I said I did but I got her voicemail and I didn’t have her cell number and I panicked, so she affirmed me and said I did the right thing and asked permission if it was ok if after our conversation if she could tell my current therapist (of course I said yes), and then she asked what I had been doing to try and calm myself (at that point I had been pacing around the classroom listening to music). She then asked if she could speak to one of my teachers and I let her. I have no idea what she said but I was still detained in a room now without my phone because after they finished the conversation they just decided to keep my phone. 10 minutes passed and I aggressively opened the door and hit the meat heat teachers arm and just demanded my phone back. He winced and I wanted to call him a baby but I refrained  and they gave me my phone back and I went back to pacing. Then my dad got there. He then was angry with me because apparently it’s all my fault that things ended up the way they did. It was my fault I had a panic attack and that they might kick me out of school. My dad wanted to hear nothing of what I said so I told him “You make me want to kill myself.” He then told me I had to go to therapy to which I said no and we sat in the parking lot for about 15 minutes before my mom texted to be picked up from work. Then when we picked her up the blame me game continued and I stopped talking. Then we went back to my therapists office where my mom told me if I am not going to talk to them I need to talk to someone and I proceeded with no I don’t and I’m not going. My mom didn’t like that and said she was going in to talk to my therapist to which I replied “have fun she can’t tell you anything because I’m 18.” My mom also did not like that (because I was 100% right) but she went in anyway and my therapist told her the same thing I did. *Later my therapist told me that she went and talked to her supervisor and was instructed that she could listen to my mom but was not able to do much of anything else. I don’t think I talked to my parents for a few days, I had my driving privileges taken away, and at the technical school I was basically given an in school suspension for like two weeks which honestly was great and I befriended the guidance counselor and she was totally chill with me listening to music and doing my work. I didn’t talk to her the first couple of times I was there but it was way better than being in the classroom. After I was allowed to go back to class she told me that I could go down any time that I wanted and so I pretty much went everyday because I could listen to music while doing my assignments. I didn’t talk to meat head teacher for about a month and it pissed him off. (I understand that not talking is childish but when the adults in your life constantly ignore you it’s hard to find a reason of why I should bother talking).

Now for the main event of things I don’t get a say in and no one gives a shit of what my feelings are toward the matter. The person who sexually abused me will be coming to live with us after he is released from prison because my dad only cares about what he wants. The best part (said sarcastically) is that we could lose our apartment lease because this person is not allowed on the grounds of our apartment complex. But my dad doesn’t seem to care about that too much since it’s all about what he wants and wants to believe. Now you may be asking the question, “why don’t you stay somewhere else, like with a friend or family member?” To which my answer is, it’s not that simple. It’s hard for me to adjust to new places, I can stay with my aunt I just don’t have anywhere to sleep, and I don’t have a car so how am I supposed to work and go to my medical appointments. Most importantly I constantly feel like a burden to people around me and I don’t want to feel like that. My mom also doesn’t get a say in this either. I also want to voice the question of “Why am I the one who has to uproot my life to accommodate for someone else?”

What I’ve learned is that my thoughts and feelings don’t matter and should not be voiced, especially in the context of my immediate family.

Why Should I Live?

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I hope you enjoy this poem.


It is a question I’ve pondered many many times

Why should I not take my own life?

All I hear back are the words of others.

“Suicide is selfish. Think of all of the people you are going to hurt”

“What will this do to your family and friends”

“You’re going to tear everyone apart”

Oh and may favorite one

“I need you to stay alive”

What is it exactly you need me to stay alive for?

Last time I checked you can do everything to survive on your own.

Do you need me around so you can tell me how miserable things are for you

And then to completely ignore me because your problems are “worse”

Do you need me to give you advice that you completely ignore?

Do you need me to just be there without you acknowledging my presence?

You see to you and so many other people I am already invisible

My voice is not heard and I am constantly being pushed away by people

Who say that they love me

You see actions speak much louder than words

What do I have to do to get you to hear me and to listen to the words I say?

Your words say I love you but your actions don’t reflect that

When I say I want to die

The question raised to me is why would you want to do that?

You see I have been made to feel as though I am insignificant

That I am not important

I should not speak up for what I believe in

I am a disrespectful person

And that

I am the problem

Tell me if you felt this way would you want to live?

Why when I ask people to give me a reason to live,

I either get the Bible thrown in my face


That it’s just selfish to take my own life as I will hurt those who love me

I feel like if I killed myself, a lot of people would feel like it’s their fault

So they need me to stay alive so they won’t feel guilty

It’s never been about me, always other people

I guess I’m lucky that I have found friends and an amazing therapist

Obviously they don’t want me to kill myself

But they make me feel like I matter

And that I am important

And not a problem

They give me reasons to live that isn’t for their personal benefit.

I get to be myself and work through my struggles with them

without feeling like I am a burden

They call me out when I am being dramatic

They call me out on my Bullshit when I am the one making things worse for myself

They do this out of love and not from a place a malice because they care

But still,

Why should I live?

Well I should live because I have realized that I want to

I want to live because I have a story that needs to be shared

And a voice that needs to be heard

There are days where I don’t want to keep going

But I know if I stop

My story won’t be told how I want it and my voice won’t be heard

I want to better my life for me

And the only way to do that is live

My story isn’t over yet,

It’s just barely started

A Lesson in Confidentiality

I don’t know why so many people have such a hard time not realizing when they just need to keep their mouth shut, especially when it comes to personal information that someone told them. With my friends I have a rule that they all know, if they tell me something I do not repeat it to anyone unless they tell me to/say it’s okay or if they are at risk of hurting themselves or another person. This rule is the reason why a lot of my come and tell me personal things because I don’t go and blab my mouth to other people.

Now, for those of you who may go and blab your mouth/can’t keep a secret to save your life, before you open your mouth think about two things: 1. Do I have direct, completely clear from person A to tell person B about what person A just told me? 2. Is Person A going to harm themselves or someone else? If the answer to question 1 is no proceed to question 2. If the answer to question 2 is no, KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT! If the answer to question 1 is yes, go ahead and tell them. If the answer to question 2 is yes, you’d better be talking to someone that can intervene to prevent them from hurting themselves or someone else such as a parent, emergency service provider, teacher, or a helpline. After you get them help KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT! It is not anyone else’s business about what is going on with the other person, unless it is their parent, spouse, or adult child.

The reason that I am making this post is because of something so stupid but makes me remember why I don’t trust people. This girl told the guy that I liked that I like him (we are going to call him Zach) and now he acts weird around me. I did not give that girl permission to say anything to Zach regarding my feelings toward him. The girl found out that I like Zach told another girl. I am not entirely sure which of the two girls told Zach but it’s really obvious that he knows. This was somewhat my mistake because I knew that the girl that found out can not keep her mouth shut. She literally said to me this person told me not to say anything but *insert secret here* don’t tell anyone or them that I told you this. Her excuse later on was that I was friends with this other person, so I told her it’s not her job to tell me what this other person said even if that person and I are good friends. The other girl feels that it is her job to intervene in other peoples lives, especially when it comes to couples. She basically ruined one of my friends relationship because she wouldn’t butt out of it and instigated stuff.

This post is for sure geared more towards the teenage girls that blab to be cool. But this honestly applies for anyone of all ages. While I am at it let’s talk a little about avoiding gossip. If you are going to to talk to someone else about a person ask yourself, “Is what I am about to say about this person positive” then ask “Is what I am about to say about this person something I would say if they were standing with me?” To many people are hurt by gossip that turns into rumors that have the potential to do A LOT of harm. If someone is about to gossip to you, feel free to ask the gossiper “Is what you are going to say about this person positive?” and “Is what you are about to say to me something you would say if they were here with us?”

If you are not comfortable with people telling you personal things or know that you can’t keep what they are saying confidential, tell them you are not comfortable or don’t think you can keep it to yourself. If they decide to tell you anyway, then you gave them and out and warning and they didn’t take it.

PLEASE!!! Rise above and be better people. It takes one person to start a movement. Be that person. YOU have control over what comes out of YOUR mouth. What you say and do are choices that will have either positive or negative consequences.

Having a Friend Who Also Has an Eating Disorder

I got to see some of my friends that came home from University for Thanksgiving and we hung out and had a lot of fun. But one of my friends was talking about how she had been really tired lately and she didn’t know why. Upon further talking she has been exercising a lot, working a lot, not eating very much and stressed out. For anyone not really paying attention this could easily be written off as just having an overloaded schedule or just being a University student. From her past history she did obsess over exercising and food. This weekend we both spent the night at a friends house and we ordered pizza and went to the store to get ice cream. We went in looking for a specific brand of ice cream that was low-carb, low-sugar, low-fat and 240-360 calories per pint (making it 60-90 calories per half cup serving), but they were sold out. After I said about the significantly lower calories per serving, she said, “Normally ice cream is 130-140 calories per serving.”This is something else that could have easily been over looked and written off as she just knows a lot. But she knows the calorie counts for many other foods and takes it into account before eating it. Another thing that happened was her skipping meals. Her dad bought us donuts with chocolate and sprinkles for breakfast and she refused to eat even half of one. I understand why she didn’t too. One of the donuts has about 350 calories in it and eating half of it would be 125 calories and depending on what her caloric restriction is, the half could very well have been too much for one meal. We went out to lunch and she only had water. She said it was because she didn’t have money but our other friend was willing to buy her something but she refused. She talked a little about eating dinner with her family and that made everything make sense. I remember for me when I knew that I had to eat dinner with family I wouldn’t eat before, so I could make everything seem fine. Even though my parents were to busy, and still are, to notice anything I could get away with saying that I wasn’t hungry or I felt nauseous.

Our other friend was trying to push her to eat, but because I have been on that end with people pushing me to eat, I didn’t try to make her. I would just ask her if she was going to eat (I knew she was going to say no) and then say okay and move on from it. I kind of feel like I should’ve told her that she needed to eat, but if I would have told her that she needs to eat, I would have been a hypocrite. I didn’t try to make her eat because that’s not how you get someone with an eating disorder to eat. She’s also not underweight, but she will for sure get there if she continues down this path. It’s not my place to tell her to what to do with her body but I am more concerned than I was before. It’s hard watching/knowing that she is going through the same thing that I have been struggling with for years and know that there’s really nothing I can do to help her. Eating Disorders don’t just go away. If you decide to get help, you learn how to manage it, but the thoughts of restricting, purging, using laxatives, calorie counting, calorie deficits, needing to exercise, and/or binging, don’t go away completely. If you don’t have a support system it’s that much harder to keep it at bay. Eating isn’t going to “fix” a person who has an eating disorder, because there’s so much more to it than eating. For me it’s the feeling of losing control and/or being told to lose weight. Growing up my dad told me that I was “bigger” than the other girls. He now says that it was because I was taller but I was just slightly taller than the other girls in my grade and the context that he would use it in was his explanation of why I couldn’t do Gymnastics, Cheer, Track, or Figure Skating. The only sports he willingly would let me do were, Tennis, Basketball, and Swimming. Other kids called me fat and my brother would call me fat too. So no matter how much my dad wants me to believer that when he said I was “bigger” that it meant I was tall, I won’t because he could’ve said I was taller, but he always used “bigger.”

I don’t know what my friend’s trigger(s) is/are but if she decides that she is going to get help I will support her and if she decides not to I won’t support her behaviors but I won’t push her to eat or talk about food.

Looking Back on 2015

2015 has been a rollercoaster ride. It was not an easy year but it is still one that am grateful for. I am just going to go month by month and highlight things that occurred.


I came home from Washington D.C. which was an amazing trip and I wish I could go back right now. Because my depression had become so much worse the school I was at, became too much for me to handle. The decision for me to switch schools was made at the beginning of December 2014 but I had to finish out the semester. So January 16 was my last day there. It was a pretty sad day because I wouldn’t see my friends everyday anymore and I felt as if I had failed. I got a week off from going to school because the second semester at the other school didn’t start until the 26. I was not thrilled to be there at all. I have the worst, or at least one of the worst, counselors there and I went from being at a school with about 600 students to a school with close to 2,000 students. But that was not my main concern with the school it was the fact that bullying is a very prevalent thing and I had experienced it there before. (But I have not been bullied since I’ve been there). I also got a new therapist.


First choir concert at the new school.


Another choir event at the new school.


I visited a University. Nothing else happened


I got another new therapist (the one that I am with currently). I STARTED THIS BLOG!!!!!


I sang at our High School’s graduation with my choir. Found out that I was going to be in the elite choir at our school for the 2015-2015 school year. Graduation Parties!!


Went to an Honors College and stayed there for three days. I also sprained my ankle. I helped out at a Vacation Bible School and had a lot of fun. Finally finished my online class called Personal Finance (it was as bad as it sounds) More Graduation Parties!!!!


I started babysitting two adorable kids. All of my friends from my other school went back to school and I had no one to talk to during the day anymore.


Started my senior year of High School!!! Also started going to a technical school for health sciences (learning and exploring the medical field). Started rehearsals for show choir. Sang the National Anthem at a baseball game with my choir.


First Choir concert of the year. Retook the ACT. Tendonitis in my wrist flared up pretty bad. Had a retreat/sleepover with the elite choir in the woods in a cabin with no wifi or cell reception.


Went on a retreat for Church and another retreat for the entire choir program. Achieved the milestone of being one year free from self-harm and psychiatric hospitals.


Went to my first Health Occupations Student Association (H.O.S.A.) competition and made it to states. Was really sick on Christmas. Had homework for the first time over the Christmas break.


Thank you guys sooooo much for checking out my blog!!! I am really excited to see what 2016 brings. For those of you struggling right now I know it sucks but keep pushing through. For those of you who are in a good place I am so excited for you and keep doing things that make you happy. Stay strong everyone and enjoy life!! Lets make 2016 a great!!!!

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