
That Girl With Depresssion


September 2015


This is one thing that I have not talked about on here and something that I just don’t talk about very much. The reason I don’t is because people seem to hate Christians, A LOT! The weird thing is, I understand why. Many people feel that Christians are hypocrites, bible thumpers, feel that they are better than everyone else, say that God hates homosexuals, etc. I’m sure you can pick out a whole lot more. But the problem is, all Christians aren’t like that but we are generalized as that.

I am a Christian but I don’t hate homosexuals nor do I believe that God does. In the Bible homosexuality is considered a sin but God’s two greatest commandments are to love God with all of your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. I have seen the church throw out God’s greatest commandments all the time. They immediately jump to homosexuality being a sin and shun and ridicule homosexuals. I will make one thing clear right now GOD DOES NOT HATE HOMOSEXUALS.

I am a Christian and I know I am not perfect and I am not afraid to admit it. I make mistakes and I sin. And I never have believed or will believe that I am better than anyone else.

I am a Christian and I’m not a Bible thumper. I will not get up in your face and quote scripture and tell you that you are going to hell. If you are not a Christian I will talk about God but I’m not going to try to get you to convert if you don’t want to. If you don’t believe in God and we are having a conversation about it, don’t disrespect me because we differ in view points. I’ve talked to many people who are atheists and if they know or find out that I am a Christian they immediately want to poke fun at it or accuse me of being something that I’m not. I am not the Christian that is going to shove the Bible down your throat. So don’t shove your beliefs down my throat. I respect and treat everyone equally because that’s the Christ like thing to do.

I am a Christian and I accept everyone as they are. I am a very accepting person and I don’t judge. It’s not my place to judge your past, your beliefs, or your choices because they are yours.

I am a Christian and I have been shamed by the church. I used to attend a church that made me feel as though my depression was some sort of spirit that needed to be prayed out. The people who knew would pray for my depression to go away and/or tell me that I need to pray and ask God to take away “this spirit of depression.” They made me feel like having depression was a demonic affliction and it was frustrating and made me feel very uncomfortable. I’m very happy that I go to a different church now because I am accepted there and instead of focusing on my depression and how I needed to pray for it to go away, I made friends who are there for me to talk to whenever I need them and that get where I am.

If more people practiced Christianity God wants I don’t think Christians would be hated as much. Also please stop generalizing Christians because all of us are not the same. As with every religion there are extremists but not every person in that religion is an extremist. I try to get to know people for who they are and I don’t care about skin color, religious beliefs, or the differences between us I just want mutual respect.

Why I Don’t Date

There are a few reasons as to why I don’t date/have romantic relationships. The majority of my friends know that I have never dated anyone so far in my life and some of them think it’s a problem. Sometimes I do agree but on the other hand I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. So I’m going to talk about why I haven’t really tried to date.

  1. Because I have depression. When it comes to dating someone I feel that I would push him away. Whenever people get to close or get to know more than I want them to about me I keep them at a distance. I feel like I burden people with my problems so it’s best for me to just say “I’m okay.” They would have to be able to handle my emotional rollercoaster and that’s a lot to ask of someone.
  2. Because I have trust issues. I always have this fear of being taken advantage of so I’m never interested in being alone with guys but I don’t feel that I would be able to explain to them why. I have a good reason of why but there’s the possibility that afterwards they will treat me differently. I’m aware that I already am different but I still want to be treated like a normal person. I do believe there are guys out there that will understand and respect my boundaries.
  3. No one has ever asked. Whenever any of my friends ask me why I haven’t dated anyone it’s because no guy has ever asked. If a guy that I know were to ask me out I would probably say yes.
  4. Because I have an eating disorder. Even just going out with my friends is hard sometimes because they will ask when the last time I’ve eaten which is frustrating sometimes because if I haven’t they will bug me about it. Eating in front of people makes me very self-conscious and I don’t enjoy doing it.
  5. I don’t want the relationship to revolve around me and my wellbeing. I feel like it would be easy for the spotlight to be on me for the majority of the time and that makes me nervous. I don’t want them to be concerned about me all of the time and worrying that they might say the wrong thing and it will set me off. I don’t want that because I have my parents to do that.
  6. Because I’m okay with being single. I’m not one of those girls who has to date someone to feel like they’re loved. Also, I’ve seen so many girls become super attached to their boyfriends and when they break up it’s devastating to them. I honestly don’t think that I am that type of girl but I feel like in our society that’s what girls are expected to do. I feel like if I were to date someone and we broke up, I would hope that it would be maturely and mutually. I have standard as most girls do but I am flexible with all of them except for one; they have to be a Christian, and not just someone who says they are. I know that it cuts down the amount of guys there are but my thing is if they can love everyone as Christ did then I know that they can love me.

World Suicide Prevention Day/Suicide Prevention Week

So today is/was the World Suicide Prevention Day and this entire week is for the Suicide Prevention. To the people who have ever thought or attempted suicide, I want you to know that there are people who love you and care about you. To the people who love and care about the people who have thought or attempted suicide, stop telling them that they need to live and give them a reason to. Many people consider suicide because they feel alone and that no one understands what they are going through; I’ve been there. Sometimes just listening to someone vent about how they are feeling pull them back off the edge. Even sitting in silence with someone who wants to take their life, can be a turning point for them. The solution to suicides is to be there for people who need you. I never want to hear anyone ever say “We didn’t see it coming” when someone takes their life because in reality you did. We ignore the warning signs and we just assume they are lazy or that they are hormonal. Also suicide is not a joke. DO NOT joke around and say “I want to kill myself” it’s insensitive to people who have had someone close to them kill themselves or if they have thought or tried themselves.

Don’t be afraid to talk about mental illness or suicide. If you are suicidal or know someone who is please call 1 (800) 273-8255 (this is the US hotline). There are people out there that want to help you and that love you.

If you are reading this right now and you are suicidal, Please, take a deep breath and wait 5 minutes. During those 5 minutes I want you to think about something that makes you happy or a moment in your life that made you feel really good. During the 5 minutes you are not allowed to think about taking your life or about how upset you are, the 5 minutes are about you and you being happy. If you can’t think of a moment or something that makes you happy I want you to think about your future, specifically the future that you want to have. Don’t think about what people told you you can’t do, this is ALL about what you want. If after the 5 minutes you still want to take your life talk to someone who has your best interest in mind. If your parents are your trigger talk to anyone other than them. Call a suicide hotline or do an online crisis chat. If you just want to know someone cares about you, know that I care about you. I may not know you but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care. I know how much it hurts to consider suicide. I know the feeling of tears and hyperventilating while holding something that I know could take my life. But I also know how it feels to look back on how far I have come. I know how it feels to let go of anger and pain and just breathe. I want you to know YOU, ARE NOT ALONE. You are LOVED greatly by many people. Taking your life is not the answer. Please, keep going and keep fighting for you and your happiness. The world needs you.

Stay Strong

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